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What is TSCP Student Committee

TSCP stands for Todai Sustainable Campus Project established in 2008 to reduce greenhouse gas emissions on campus. Under the Facilities Planning Division, Facilities Department of the administration, TSCP team oversees the realization of the project. 
We, the TSCP Student Committee, have been working with the TSCP team to realize a sustainable UTokyo since July 2015. Our activities are various, ranging from promotion of energy conservation to a biannual university-wide SDGs awareness survey.
Currently, there are about 20 students in the TSCP Student Committee, who are from various majors, from undergraduates to postgraduates. We hold regular monthly meetings, where we discuss our plans, update each other on the progress of different projects, and report on our activities to the TSCP team. 
All students at the University of Tokyo are welcome to join. If you are interested in our activities, please contact us!

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